How to translate chinese mandarin to english for all info on clan association website? | 网站普通话翻译成英语

english chinese translation yik clan association singapore

How to translate chinese mandarin to english for all info on clan association website? | 网站普通话翻译成英语


Dear Users

We have a feedback that the yik clan website is mostly in chinese (mandarin) which is not appealling to young and english users. We hope that eventually we can translate chinese mandarin to english for all information on the website which can appeal to all. However this website is built on voluntary basis , there is limited manpower and resources.

We appeal to users to volunteer their services to help yik clan website to translate the chinese (mandarin) information to english, write articles or copywrite, etc. This may be done remotely through email which can be efficient and time-saving. This forum can also act as a platform for communications and coordination work which can further improves efficiency.

Through building a great yik clan association website, we can help yik clan to increase its reach to members of the same surname 易, promote interaction between members, improve members’ business dealing, etc for the benefits of individual members and members’ businesses.

Please do email to or post your comments below.

Look forward to your comments



我们有评论是网站大多是使用普通话, 对年轻和英语用户呼吁力不高. 我们希望最终可以把所有的普通话信息翻译成英语,但是这个网站是建立在自愿的基础上,有有限的人力和资源。



请电邮至 或发表您的评论以下。


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